Ach, I feel you. It isn't easy but I have to remind myself I'm doing this because I love it not because I need the validation from other people. It still feels like a good use of my time and energy even if I only get a like or two, but I know the frustrations, too.

If it's any consolation my social media isn't driving any readers, either. I think there's just seasons and cycles for everything and I'm going to stay with it for the long haul and hope it comes around in time. You just have to do what's right for you and decide what's worthy of your time. For me this also feels like a legacy of work that will outlive me, or at least this version of me, and I want it to be a place of remberance of who I was and what I lived for. I love having a place I can share that without having to pay to host it or any of the stress of managing it. Just my two cents 😊

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